Boston 2019
May 6, 2019 | 8:00 AM–8:00 PM EDT | Red Hat Summit/Boston, Massachusetts
Where users, partners, customers, contributors and upstream project leads come together to collaborate and work together across the OpenShift Cloud Native ecosystem.
The event is over
Fireside Chat with @JWhitehurst & Diane Mueller @OpenShiftCommon's Gathering #RedHatSummit 2019
Fireside Chat with Jim Whitehurst and Diane Mueller @OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019 @RedHatSummit
State of OpenShift on VMWare with Robbie Jerrom (VMWare) at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019
State of OpenShift on VMWare with Robbie Jeromm at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019 Red Hat Summit Robbie Jerrom NEMEA Tech Lead – Applications and Cloud Native Platforms NEMEA Tech Lead – Applications and Cloud Native Platforms
Red Hat OpenShift 4 Release Update Clayton Coleman Derek Carr Mike Barrett OpenShift Commons 2019
Red Hat OpenShift 4 Release Update with Clayton Coleman Derek Carr Mike Barrett at OpenShift Commons Gathering at Red Hat Summit 2019
OpenShift at NASA Case Study with Jeff Walter at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019
OpenShift at NASA Case Study with Jeff Walter at OpenShift Commons Gathering Red Hat Summit Boston 2019
OpenShift at Volkswagen Case Study with Marcus Greul at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019
OpenShift at Volkswagen Case Study with Marcus Greul (Volkswagen AG) | Martin Reinke (Red Hat) | Noel O'Connor (Red Hat) at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019 Red Hat Summit
OpenShift at National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency James Cherry OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019
OpenShift at NGA Case Study with tbd at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019 Case Study: OpenShift @ National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Andrew Heifetz (Ampsight) | James Cherry (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency) | Nick Sabine (Red Hat)
OpenShift at Royal Bank of Canada with Raj Channa at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019
OpenShift at Royal Bank of Canada Raj Channa Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) Dhwanil Raval Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019 Red Hat Summit Case Study: OpenShift @ Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
State of Operators: Framework, SDK, and Hubs with Rob Szumski OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019
State of Operators with Rob Szumski Red Hat at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019 Red Hat Summit State of the Operators: Framework, SDKs, Hubs and beyond Rob Szumski (Red Hat)
OpenShift AMA Panel Architects, Engineers and Product Managers at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019
OpenShift AMA Panel Architects, Engineers and Product Managers at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019 Red Hat Summit 2019
OpenShift on Azure at Sabre with Jim Zimmerman and Jim Anderson at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019
OpenShift on Azure at Sabre Jim Zimmerman (Microsoft) Jim Minter (Red Hat) Jim Anderson (Sabre) at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019 Red Hat Summit
OpenShift in Telco Panel featuring Optus and Bell at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019
OpenShift in Telco Panel - Moderator: Paul Lancaster (Red Hat) Guillaume Poulet (Optus) Paul Fischer (Bell Canada) Vasily Chekalkin (Optus)
OpenShift at Thyssenkrupp Elevators with Joshua Bryant at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019
Case Study: OpenShift @ Thyssenkrupp Elevators Billy Holmes (Red Hat) Joshua Bryant (thyssenkrupp Elevator Americas) at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019 at Red Hat Summit
Road Ahead OpenShift Kubernetes & Beyond with Brian Gracely at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019
The Road Ahead OpenShift Kubernetes & Beyond with Brian Gracely at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019
OpenShift at UPS with Kevin Chiang at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019
Case Study: OpenShift @ UPS Freddy Montero (Red Hat) Kevin Chiang (UPS) at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019 at Red Hat Summit
OpenShift at BestBuy Case Study with Jamil Ahmed at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019
OpenShift at BestBuy Case Study Case Study: OpenShift @ Best Buy Jamil Ahmed (Best Buy Canada) Taneem Ibrahim (Red Hat) Andrew Block (Red Hat) at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019 at Red Hat Summit
OpenShift In Financial Services Panel at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019
OpenShift In Financial Services Panel at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2019 at Red Hat Summit moderated by Ben Henshall (Red Hat) panelists: Daniel Sanchez (Banco Hipotecario) Eero Arvonen (Suomen Asiakastieto) Raj Channa - Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) Glen Rhodes (ANZ) Walid Saleh (CIBC)
Event Overview
The OpenShift Commons Gathering will be co-located in Boston with <a href="" target="_blank"> Red Hat Summit</a> at the Westin Waterfront Hotel at the <a href="" target="_blank">Boston Convention and Exhibition Center</a>!
The OpenShift Commons Gathering brings together experts from all over the world to discuss container technologies, best practices for cloud native application developers and the open source software projects that underpin the OpenShift ecosystem. The Boston event will gather developers, devops professionals and sysadmins together to explore the next steps in making container technologies successful and secure.
Red Hat Summit/Boston, Massachusetts
Westin Waterfront Hotel at Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
Monday, May 6, 2019
Please note: Pre-registration is required AND You must have a pass for Red Hat Summit to attend this event. To register, add the OpenShift Commons Gathering as a co-located event during your Red Hat Summit registration. By being co-located in Boston with Red Hat Summit at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, the OpenShift Commons Gathering will provide a platform for showcasing a full range of technologies that support the OpenShift ecosystem and help bring cloud native project communities together. We strongly encourage you to partake in the full week of events.
Interested in sponsoring an OpenShift Commons Gathering?
Code of Conduct: We follow both the Red Hat Event Terms and Conditions and the Code of Conduct of other events such as KubeCon + CloudNativeCon. Similarly we are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for participants at all of our events, whether they are held in person or virtually. All event participants, whether they are attending an in-person event or a virtual event, are expected to behave in accordance with professional standards, with both this Code of Conduct as well as their respective employer's policies governing appropriate workplace behavior and applicable laws.
COVID-19 Health + Safety Information: We are committed to our attendee's health and safety and follow the Healthy and Safety policies of the events we are co-located with or by default those of the CNCF.
See sessions from previous gatherings
- 8:00 AM
- Registration Opens
- 9:00 AM
- Welcome to the Commons: Collaboration in Action Diane Mueller (Red Hat)
- 9:10 AM
- Fireside Chat with Red Hat's CEO Diane Mueller (Red Hat)
- 9:30 AM
- OpenShift 4.0 and beyond Clayton Coleman (Red Hat)Mike Barrett (Red Hat)Derek Carr (Red Hat)
- Case Study: OpenShift @ Volkswagen
- 10:10 AM
- Keynote: OpenShift at Nasa
- 10:40 AM
- Coffee Break
- 11:30 AM
- Case Study: OpenShift @ National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
- 11:50 AM
- Case Study: OpenShift @ Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
- 12:10 PM
- State of OpenShift on VMWare
- 12:30 PM
- Networking Lunch
- 1:30 PM
- State of the Operators: Framework, SDKs, Hubs and beyond Rob Szumski (EdgeBit)
- 2:00 PM
- State of OpenShift on Azure @ Sabre
- 2:30 PM
- Coffee Break
- 2:40 PM
- OpenShift in Telco Panel - Moderator: Paul Lancaster (Red Hat)
- 3:10 PM
- Case Study: OpenShift @ Thyssenkrupp Elevators
- 3:30 PM
- Case Study: OpenShift @ Best Buy Andrew Block (Red Hat)
- 3:50 PM
- Case Study: OpenShift @ UPS
- 4:10 PM
- OpenShift in Financial Services Panel moderated by Ben Henshall (Red Hat)
- 4:40 PM
- The Road Ahead: OpenShift, Kubernetes and Beyond Brian Gracely (Red Hat)
- 5:00 PM
- AMA Panel with OpenShift PM team members Joe Fernandes (Red Hat)
- 5:40 PM
- Closing: The Opinionate Guide to Red Hat Summit Diane Mueller (Red Hat)
- 6:00 PM
- Evening Reception and Networking Event

Andrew BlockDistinguished Architect
Red Hat
Andrew Block is a Distinguished Architect at Red Hat who works with organizations to design and implement solutions leveraging cloud native technologies. He specializes in Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery methodologies with a focus on security to reduce the overall delivery time. Andrew is the author of several publications on solutions within the Kubernetes ecosystem, a maintainer on the Helm, ORAS and SOPS projects, and a contributor to several Open Source projects including Sigstore.
Brian GracelySenior Director Portfolio Strategy
Red Hat

Clayton ColemanLead Architect, OpenShift and Kubernetes
Red Hat

Derek CarrSenior Distinguished Engineer
Red Hat
Derek Carr is a Senior Distinguished Engineer at Red Hat. He is the lead architect for OpenShift products and services. He has worked in the Kubernetes and related cloud-native open source communities since 2014. In the Kubernetes community, he is an emeritus member of the Kubernetes Steering committee, and a co-chair for Architecture and technical lead for Node special interest groups.
Diane MuellerDirector, Community Development, Distinguished Community Architect & Co-Chair OKD Working Group
Red Hat

Joe FernandesVP and GM, Hybrid Cloud Platforms
Red Hat

Mike BarrettVice President and General Manager, Red Hat Hybrid Platforms
Red Hat
Mike Barrett is the Vice President and General Manager of Red Hat Hybrid Platforms. He looks after Red Hat OpenShift, Red Hat Cloud Services, Red Hat OpenStack and most of Red Hat’s Cloud Native Computing Foundation investments. He joined Red Hat in 2013 and specializes in accelerating application platforms through the use of operating systems, cloud and hardware technologies. Mike has more than 25 years of experience in datacenter architecture. He previously worked in both services and product management roles at Sun Microsystems and Oracle before joining Red Hat.
Rob SzumskiCEO & Founder
May 6, 2019 | 8:00 AM–8:00 PM EDT
Westin Waterfront Hotel at Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
425 Summer Street Boston, Massachusetts USA
Red Hat Summit/Boston, Massachusetts