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Seattle 2018

December 10, 2018 | 8:00 AM8:00 PM PST | Seattle, Washington

Where users, partners, customers, contributors and upstream project leads come together to collaborate and work together across the OpenShift Cloud Native ecosystem.

The event is over

State of Operators: Framework, SDKs, & beyond Sébastien Pahl RedHat OpenShift Commons Gathering 2018

State of Operators: Framework, SDKs, & beyond Sébastien Pahl, RedHat at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2018

Panel: Knative, Kubernetes & Istio: A New Cloud Stack? OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

Panel: Knative, Kubernetes & Istio: A New Cloud Stack? Moderated by William Markito Oliveira, Red Hat | Mark Chmarny, Google | Paul Morie, Red Hat | Klaus Deissner, SAP | Idit Levine - | Doug Davis, IBM at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

Community Collaboration in Action, Diane Mueller Red Hat at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

Welcome to the Commons: Making Collaboration that Works - Diane Mueller, Red Hat at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

Opening Keynotes with Chris Wright & Reza Shafii at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

Opening Keynotes with Chris Wright & Reza Shafii at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

OpenShift 4.0 - Features, Functions, Future at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

OpenShift 4.0 - Features, Functions, Future, Clayton Coleman, Mike Barrett and Derek Carr at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

Case Study: Vattenfall - Sustainable Data Centers, OpenShift on OpenStack

Case Study: Vattenfall - Sustainable Data Centers, OpenShift on OpenStack, Max Schulze at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

Case Study: OpenShift @ GE Digital at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

Case Study: OpenShift @ GE Digital - Jackie Chute, Timothy Oliver, & Jay Ryan at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

Case Study:The Road to Kube at Ticketmaster, Tim Nichols, OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

Case Study: The Road to Kubernetes @ Ticketmaster, Tim Nichols at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

Deep Learning on OpenShift with GPUs Tripti Singhal, Nvidia OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

Deep Learning on OpenShift with GPUs | Tripti Singhal (Nvidia) | Tushar Katarki (Red Hat) at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

State of OpenShift on Bare Metal: Jose Palafox, Intel at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

State of OpenShift on Bare Metal: Intel PoV | Jose Palafox (Intel) | David Cain (Red Hat) | Jeremy Eder (Red Hat)

Case Study: OpenShift @ HealthPartners James McShane at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

Case Study: OpenShift at HealthPartners James McShane at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

Road Ahead OpenShift, Kubernetes & Beyond Brian Gracely, Red Hat OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle

The Road Ahead: OpenShift, Kubernetes and Beyond | Brian Gracely

AMA Panel: OpenShift PM team moderated by Joe Fernandes, Red Hat at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2018

AMA Panel: OpenShift PM team moderated by Joe Fernandes , Red Hat at OpenShift Commons Gathering 2018

Closing Remarks - Diane Mueller, RedHat at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

Closing Remarks - Diane Mueller, RedHat at OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2018

Event Overview

The OpenShift Commons Gathering will be co-located in Seattle with <a href="" target="_blank"> CNCF's KubeCon-NA</a> at the <a href="" target="_blank">Washington State Convention Center</a>!

The OpenShift Commons Gathering brings together experts from all over the world to discuss container technologies, best practices for cloud native application developers and the open source software projects that underpin the OpenShift ecosystem. The Seattle event will gather developers, devops professionals and sysadmins together to explore the next steps in making container technologies successful and secure.


Seattle, Washington
Washington State Convention Center


Monday, December 10, 2018



Please note: Pre-registration is required AND You must have a pass for KubeCon to attend this event. To register, add the OpenShift Commons Gathering as a co-located event during your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon registration. By being co-located in Seattle with KubeCon at the Washington State Convention Center, the OpenShift Commons Gathering will provide a platform for showcasing a full range of technologies that support the OpenShift ecosystem and help bring cloud native project communities together. We strongly encourage you to partake in the full week of events.


Interested in sponsoring an OpenShift Commons Gathering?

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Code of Conduct: We follow both the Red Hat Event Terms and Conditions and the Code of Conduct of other events such as KubeCon + CloudNativeCon. Similarly we are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for participants at all of our events, whether they are held in person or virtually. All event participants, whether they are attending an in-person event or a virtual event, are expected to behave in accordance with professional standards, with both this Code of Conduct as well as their respective employer's policies governing appropriate workplace behavior and applicable laws.

COVID-19 Health + Safety Information: We are committed to our attendee's health and safety and follow the Healthy and Safety policies of the events we are co-located with or by default those of the CNCF.

See sessions from previous gatherings

8:00 AM
Registration Opens
9:00 AM
Welcome to the Commons: Making Collaboration that Works - Diane Mueller, Red Hat Diane Mueller (Red Hat)
9:10 AM
Opening Keynotes Chris Wright (Red Hat)
9:30 AM
OpenShift - Features, Functions, Futures
State of the Operators: Framework, SDKs, and beyond Rob Szumski (EdgeBit)
10:00 AM
Case Study: Vattenfall - Sustainable Data Centers - OpenShift on OpenStack
10:20 AM
Case Study: OpenShift @ GE Digital
10:40 AM
Coffee Break
11:10 AM
Case Study: OpenShift @ Progressive - Migrating Monoliths to OpenShift
11:30 AM
Case Study: The Road to Kubernetes @ Ticketmaster
11:50 AM
Knative, Kubernetes, Istio: A New Cloud Stack? Panel Paul Morie (Red Hat)
12:30 PM
Networking Lunch
2:00 PM
Deep Learning on OpenShift with GPUs Tushar Katarki (Red Hat)
2:30 PM
Coffee Break
2:45 PM
State of OpenShift on Bare Metal: Intel PoV Jeremy Eder (Red Hat)
3:15 PM
Case Study:Secrets Management on OpenShift @ USAA
3:45 PM
Case Study: OpenShift @ HealthPartners
4:15 PM
The Road Ahead: OpenShift, Kubernetes and Beyond Brian Gracely (Red Hat)
5:00 PM
AMA Panel with OpenShift PM team members Joe Fernandes (Red Hat)
6:00 PM
Evening Reception and Networking Event


Brian GracelySenior Director Portfolio Strategy
Red Hat

Chris WrightCTO and SVP, Global Engineering
Red Hat

Diane MuellerDirector, Community Development, Distinguished Community Architect & Co-Chair OKD Working Group
Red Hat

Jeremy EderDistinguished Engineer
Red Hat

Joe FernandesVP and GM, Hybrid Cloud Platforms
Red Hat

Paul MoriePrincipal Software Engineer
Red Hat

Rob SzumskiCEO & Founder

Tushar KatarkiDirector of Product Management for OpenShift Core Platform
Red Hat


December 10, 2018 | 8:00 AM8:00 PM PST

Washington State Convention Center
705 Pike St, Seattle, WA 98101, USA
Seattle, Washington